Pengertian dan jenis-jenis Inversion (English Grammar)
Jangan lupa membaca artikel tentang bisnis di > Informasi bisnis terbaik 2020 . Di dalam kalimat inversion (inverse/pembalikan) kata kerja utama ataupun kata kerja bantu berada sebelum subjek. Ada dua tipe umum inversion: 1. Subject-verb Inversion Best of all would be to get a job in Willingham . On long wall hung a row of van Goghs . Then came the turning point of the match. Here comes the first question . There is the dog . Call the dog. Down came the rain. There’ s your sister . Main/Auxiliary Verb + Subject 2 . Subject-Operator Inversion Not before in our history have so many strong influences united to produce so large a disaster. Never again did I think of disobedience. On no account must he strain. So badly was he affected that he had to be taught to speak again . Is the weather improving ? Not a word did he say Auxiliary Verb + Subject + Main Verb...